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About Desyr

(It’s pronounced desire btw)

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If you shop for clothes online, you’ll know how hit and miss it can be. So why is it that when you look up reviews for literally anything else, they’re there, but when you want clothing reviews, they’re super vague or just don’t exist???

Desyr is the first independent clothing reviews platform. You can read reviews for any brand, with real customer photos that show how clothes look on every body.

The best part? Desyr rewards you for reviewing clothes. Sharing reviews earns you Desyr Coins, which you can then spend to unlock discounts or enter giveaways with top brands!

Desyr is the most inclusive, lovely community of girls. Imagine an Instagram that was just for the girlies, where you just talk about the clothes you’ve bought. You can literally post the most gremlin photo and no one here’s gonna judge you bby girl.

Our Story

Desyr started when our Founder, Nina, was frustrated with how clothes never looked the same in real life as they did online. To your right, you’ll see a picture of Nina in the outfit that really put her over the edge

Then there were her friend’s savage jokes... One said she looked like Florence Nightingale, the other said she looked like a Victorian child that had been resurrected to come back and haunt everyone.

Shockingly, Nina returned the dress!

After doing some research into returns, Nina discovered thata lot of our online returns go straight to landfill, or they’re burned. Knowing how many returns she and her friends had made over the years, she know she had to do something about it.


To get a better idea of how clothes actually looked on real women, Nina scoured the internet looking for reviews. But, surprisingly, reviews for clothes were really hard to find. Most fashion brands didn’t have them, but even if they did, they were usually vague and unhelpful. They might say:

“I love this top!” or “hated this skirt” okay... why though? Did it not fit you right? The colour didn’t suit you? GIVE ME MORE INFO SUSAN. It’s like when a man tells you gossip, they never have any of the important details!!!

So, Nina built Desyr.

Somewhere where she could see diverse women of all sizes, body shapes, heights, skin tones, disabilities, and more, showing how clothes look in real life. Along with honest reviews that describe in detail everything from why they bought them, to how they feel, whether they wash well — everything!


To be the best community for women to share and read honest clothing reviews.


To create a fun and inclusive safe space where fashion can be for every body.


To reduce waste in the fashion industry and keep clothes out of landfill.

We’re making fashion reviewsbetter.infoSection line

Post an honest review

Tell us what you like or what could be improved about your item.

Earn Desyr Coins

Post reviews & invite friends to earn Desyr Coins.

Unlock rewards

Use your Desyr Coins to enter giveaways and unlock discounts.

Post your own review

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s quick and easy to post a review on Desyr:

    1. Sign Up or Log In: If you’re not already a member of Desyr, you’ll need to create an account.
    2. Go to Post Review: Head to the Post Review page, where you’ll find a helpful template to fill out your review.
    3. Fill Out the Review Form: Provide details about your experience with the product. This typically includes:
      • Photos: Add photos of the product to show what it looks like in real life. Try to get accurate photos of the colour and material. Close up photos of the item and photos of you wearing it are super helpful!
      • Product details: Share details like the brand and product name, sizing info, and whether you kept or returned it. If it’s not in our product database we may need extra details like the category and product link.
      • Detailed Review: Share your thoughts of the product in an honest, detailed review! Tell us your story and experiences of buying it, wearing it, washing it, everything! We’ve included a few helpful prompts in the form if you’re stuck.
      • Rating: Use the fun sliders to rate the fit and quality of your item.
    4. Submit Your Review: Once you’ve completed the form, submit it! You’re officially a Desyr reviewer 💅.

Remember, your reviews are invaluable to the Desyr community. They help others make informed decisions and contribute to a more transparent and sustainable fashion industry. When writing a review, please be mindful of our Community Guidelines.

You can review the products from any fashion brand you like! When writing a review, if the brand isn’t yet in our database, you can still type in the brand name and select ‘add brand: “whatever brand name you typed”’.

It’s not just clothes, you can review any fashion ‘product’, including shoes, accessories, bags, scarves, gloves — things like that!

We don’t do reviews outside of fashion just yet, so you can’t review beauty products etc on the platform. However, if you’d really like to review something that isn’t fashion related, pop us an email at [email protected] and we’ll see if you can write a review of it on our blog!

You can review gifted or PR products, but please disclose it within your review as a ‘PR Product’. However, your review must align with our community guidelines to remain completely impartial, true, and honest. You should not write anything which a retailer has specifically asked or told you to say, in exchange for a gift. Please see our Terms for more information on Content and Your Responsibility while using our platform.

Our reviews platform is powered by user-generated content. If you would like to make sure that your product ends up being reviewed on our platform, there are four ways:

  • VIP Reviews: Check out VIP Reviews to get reviews of your products on Desyr. We match up our users with brands that we think they’ll like, you send them the products you’d like to be reviewed, and they share their reviews on Desyr.
  • Gifted Reviews: Get in touch with us at [email protected] and we can help you coordinate gifted reviews with suitable Desyr ambassadors to write an impartial and honest review.
  • Giveaways: Get in touch with us at [email protected] to partner with Desyr for a giveaway.
  • Discount codes: Get in touch with us at [email protected] to get discount codes for your brand live on our discounts page.

Because we’re still such a young business, the web app is still a prototype. We don’t have the same technology as, say, Instagram. We input the original price that was on the retailer’s website at the time we input these extra product details. There may be a discrepancy if the retailer then either alters the price of their products, or runs promotional offers.

If your review was flagged for violating our Terms or Community Guidelines, then your review may be removed and we may ban your account.